
The Conference

OpenVis Conf is a two-day, single track conference centered around the practice of visualizing data on the web.

Join us to learn about data visualization, information design, data analysis and implementation using the best Open Web technology.

OpenVis Conf will be taking place on April 24th and 25th of 2017 at the State Room in Boston, MA.

Follow @OpenVisConf or subscribe to stay up-to-date as this year's conference unfolds.

Talks & Transcripts


Data Analysis
Mike BostockKeynoteShirley Wu & Nadieh BremerData Sketch|es: A Visualization A MonthNicholas BelmonteVisualizing Data with Deck GLMatthew BrehmerWhat Story does your Timeline Tell?Robert SimmonAn Introduction to GDALfor those afraid of the command lineAmelia McNamaraHow Spatial Polygons Shape our WorldMikola LysenkoIntroducing ReglJohn Alexis Guerra GomezUntangling the HairballCatherine D’Ignazio & Rahul BhargavaDesigning Visualization Tools for LearnersMatt DanielsVisualizing Incarceration in the USon PolygraphAmanda CoxKeynoteLisa Charlotte RostA Data Point Walks into a Bar:Designing Data for EmpathyKai ChangD3 with CanvasNoah VeltmanPulling a Polygon Out Of a HatJulia SilgeText Mining and VisualizationThe Tidy WayAmy CesalWhy Does Data Vis Need a Style GuideKanit "Ham" Wongsuphasawat, Dominik Moritz & Arvind SatyanarayanVega-Lite: A Grammar of Interactive GraphicsEric SocolofskyData as a Creative ConstriantConnor C. GramazioEmpowering Effective Visualization (Color) DesignAlan McleanHacking your health with JavaScriptHadley WickhamThe Role of Visualizationin Exploratory Data Analysis

Speaker connections based on similarity of talk transcrips

Mike Bostock

Mike Bostock


Shirley Wu & Nadieh Bremer

Shirley Wu & Nadieh Bremer

Data Sketch|es: A Visualization A Month

Nicholas Belmonte

Nicholas Belmonte

Visualizing Data with Deck GL

Matthew Brehmer

Matthew Brehmer

What Story does your Timeline Tell?

Robert Simmon

Robert Simmon

An Introduction to GDAL for those afraid of the command line

Amelia McNamara

Amelia McNamara

How Spatial Polygons Shape our World

Mikola Lysenko

Mikola Lysenko

Introducing Regl

John Alexis Guerra Gomez

John Alexis Guerra Gomez

Untangling the Hairball

Catherine D’Ignazio & Rahul Bhargava

Catherine D’Ignazio & Rahul Bhargava

Designing Visualization Tools for Learners

Matt Daniels

Matt Daniels

Visualizing Incarceration in the US on Polygraph

Amanda Cox

Amanda Cox


Lisa Charlotte Rost

Lisa Charlotte Rost

A Data Point Walks into a Bar: Designing Data for Empathy

Kai Chang

Kai Chang

D3 with Canvas

Noah Veltman

Noah Veltman

Pulling a Polygon Out Of a Hat

Julia Silge

Julia Silge

Text Mining and Visualization The Tidy Way

Amy Cesal

Amy Cesal

Why Does Data Vis Need a Style Guide

Kanit "Ham" Wongsuphasawat,
Dominik Moritz & Arvind Satyanarayan

Kanit "Ham" Wongsuphasawat, Dominik Moritz & Arvind Satyanarayan

Vega-Lite: A Grammar of Interactive Graphics

Eric Socolofsky

Eric Socolofsky

Data as a Creative Constriant

Connor C. Gramazio

Connor C. Gramazio

Empowering Effective Visualization (Color) Design

Alan Mclean

Alan Mclean

Hacking your health with JavaScript

Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham

The Role of Visualization in Exploratory Data Analysis

Worth well over 1000 words

Live Transcription

Thanks to sponsor ActBlue, we're proud to have live transcription of all the talks at OpenVis Conf 2017. You can follow along here in real time with every word our speakers utter!

In addition to making the conference more accessible, transcription provides us a rich trove of data that we use in crafting our post-conference video visualization. We're thrilled to have it as a returning feature at OpenVis Conf.

Follow the transcription live
Where the magic happens

The Venue


We're excited to bring OpenVis Conf to new heights at the State Room. From this perch atop the Sixty State Street skyscraper, we'll have a bird's-eye view of modern data visualization practice – and of Boston! It's the perfect place for an anniversary celebration and we hope you'll join us there!

60 State St,
Boston, MA 02109

View in Google Maps
Curating the conference

Program Committee

We are incredibly grateful to our committee members for their continuing dedication to OpenVis and the Data Visualization community at large. These people work hard to make this conference program the best that it can be.

Growing a more inclusive DataViz Community

Diversity Scholarship

We are thrilled to announce that this year we have awarded 8 diversity scholarships to attend OpenVis Conf – more than doubling the number from last year!

We also want to thank the sponsors that made this happen. Bocoup, PolicyViz, Datadog, MICA, and Measurement Lab.

These scholarships cover not only the cost of the ticket, but also accommodation and travel to Boston, if needed. It supports career exploration and participation at the conference for individuals from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in tech. Please consider sponsoring one next year.

Support us


Sponsoring OpenVis Conf is a great way to connect with our expert community of data visualization practitioners. Help us make OVC be the best it can be by providing Diversity Scholarships or by supporting our speakers and attendee. Take a look at our sponsorship prospectus to see all the ways you can be part of creating a shared experience and foster long-lasting relationships with members of the data visualization community.

Review Sponsorships Get In Touch

Code of Conduct

We believe that everyone deserves a thoroughly pleasant conference experience, regardless of who they are. We adhere to the Bocoup Code of Conduct and expect that all of our speakers, attendees, sponsors, and volunteers will do the same.

Read more